Vishnu Kranthi

Scientific name :Evolvulus alsinoides

Family : Convolvulaceae

Habitat : Annual creeper

Medicinal Uses : Tonic and febrifuge , it is used as vermifuge and for ulcers . Mixed with oil the paste promotes growth of hair

Vella Mandaram

Scientific Name :Bauhinia racemosa

Family : Caesalpiniceae

Habitat : Perennial tree

Medicinal Uses : Bark is astringent and used for dysentery . Leaves are given with onion for diarrhoea and as an anthelmintic . Decoration of leaves is used for malaria .


Scientific name :Vanila planifolia

Family :Orchidaceae

Habitat : Perennial climber

Medicinal Uses : Anti – bacterial and anti –tubercular . Used for rheumatic aswellings and some nervous troubles .


Scientific name : Mimosa pudica

Family :Mimosoidae

Habitat : Annual herb

Medicinal Uses : Decoration of root is used for gravel and other urinary complaints . Juice of leaves is used for sinus and also for sores and piles .


Scientific name :Sarcostemma acidum

Family :Asclepidaceae

Habitat :

Medicinal Uses: Dried stems are emetic . Infusion of roots is prescribed for persons bitten by rabid dogs .